Setting The Records Straight: Kasoa CP Trinity And Step To Christ Roads Reshaping - A Lie Told By Hon. Mavis Hawa Koomson

We have been made aware of a video from Asempa FM in which the MP for Awutu Senya East is heard peddling falsehood and taking credit for the reshaping of some road networks within the Kasoa Walantu electoral area, precisely the road networks within Trinity and Step to Christ.

The MP’s assertion that for the past one and a half months she has allocated an excavator to reshape the CP Trinity and Step to Christ roads is a blatant lie.

On March 15, 2023, Phillis Naa Koryoo Okunor, NDC Parliamentary Candidate and Incoming MP for Kasoa, rented an excavator to reshape some bad road networks within the CP electoral Area, just as seen in the Video Circulated by Asempa FM.

We are not surprised by her actions of owning projects that do not belong to her. It is also not surprising that she will blatantly lie because her party the NPP itself has become synonymous with lies. So, we see her actions as a perfect show of the NPP’s traits.

The Constituents of Kasoa are aware that most of the developmental projects, including tarred and asphalt roads, that the constituency is privy to are projects by the NDC. For the past 12 years, The MP can only boast of a less than one-kilometre (1 km) tarred road leading to her residence.

We are sending a clear message to the MP to invest her time and resources in the last few months in office as MP for Kasoa and affiliate of a Party in power into fixing the deplorable inner roads instead of going about claiming ownership of projects by the NDC and its members.


ASEC NDC Communications Officer