'Pure Lies And Propaganda' - Freda Prempeh Camp Refutes Claims Yamfo Residents Rejected Toilet

A close associate to the Member of Parliament for Tano North, Dr. Freda Prempeh, has rebutted claims that residents of Yamfo, a community in the constituency, rejected a toilet facility constructed for them by the MP.

Speaking in an interview with GhanaWeb on the back of the report, Maxwell Ado Agyei, who is also a former first vice chairman of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) at Tano North, stated that this is purely the work of propagandists.

He explained that no such thing happened at Yamfo, and that as a matter of fact, many of the residents have been so relieved by the commissioning of the project so much that the toilet is already being fully patronized.

Explaining the circumstances surrounding the matter, Maxwell Agyei said that the facility at Yamfo is only one of four that Dr. Freda Prempeh, the MP, had been able to lobby for the constituency.

“It is all lies and falsehood being peddled by someone in particular who wants to contest her for the seat. The toilet was opened yesterday and already, there are several people thronging the place to use it. What is happening is all propaganda and it is not the reflection of what is happening in Yamfo. These people only want to tarnish the good image of the MP.

“The truth is that it is the government that is building these toilets across the country. It was the turn of the middle-belt under the 1 constituency 1 toilet project and the MP was able to lobby for 4 for her constituency, when some places didn’t even get one. It was initially not something that was sponsored by her own money until COVID came and made money issues a little difficult,” he explained.

Maxwell Adu Agyei, who also served as Assemblyman for Tano North, added that with the incessant cries of the people and call on the MP to come to their aid, she eventually released her personal money for the project to completed at Yamfo.

He added that he was personally involved in the project and as such, it cannot be true that after they completed it and it was opened on Tuesday, August 8, 2023, the people rejected it.

“There are a lot of people in that area but their toilet had been out of use for a long time so the people kept appealing to the MP. I had to call her to mount pressure on her about the complains of the people until she released her personal money for us to use for the project.

“I had to eventually lead carpenters to break the doors of the toilets for us to continue the work because the contractors refused to come around because they had not been paid. We bought paint and other things and fixed the place because Dr. Freda Prempeh said she could allow for the place to be under lock when her people badly needed it. After it was done, those who even thought that she was the one behind the closure have been showing gratitude to her,” he added.

Dr. Freda Prempeh, the MP for Tano North, was recently appointed as the Minister for Sanitation and Water Resources.