Asanteman, Sikadwa Are Behind Alan - Mampontenghene Reiterates

The chief of Mamponteng, Nana Asaasi Ayeboafo has reiterated Otumfuo Osei Tutu II, the Asantehene's position that Asanteman and Sikadwa (Golden Stool) are in full support of Mr. Alan Kwadwo Kyerematen's candidature for the NPP flagbearership.

He said Alan Kyerematen is our (Asanteman's) own and since Otumfuo has declared the support of Sikadwa, there is no way we would not support him.

Nana Ayeboafo who received the former Trade Minister and his campaign team at his Palace as part of his bid to meet with delegates in the Kwabre East constituency, stressed and that since the whole Asanteman and the Golden Stool supports he, Kyerematen, he would standby by the Otumfuo to rally support for him.

The Mampontenghene, advised the flagbearer hopeful to tell delegates and Ghanaians what he will do to restore the ailing economy to its glory days with opportunities for the youth to utilise their potential.

The chief also advised delegates to elect a visionary leader with the track record of growing the economy and not a visionless one who will bribe their way to power.