Ken Agyapong Is Not A Presidential Material - KNUST Lecturer

A senior lecturer at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (KNUST) and a member of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr. Kwasi Amakye Boateng says Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, one of the flag bearer aspirants on the ticket of the NPP was not a presidential material.

According to him, Mr. Agyapong lacked the intellectual capacity to lead Ghana and was also not fit intellectually, socially and morally to be the President of Ghana.

He questioned Mr Agyapong's knowledge in economics for instance to prepare him to lead the country.

For him, Ken's pronouncements in the past and in recent times do not reflect the status of someone who is willing to be the President of Ghana.

Dr. Boateng who was speaking in a radio interview monitored by Graphic Online on Accra-based Asempa FM on Wednesday afternoon [Sept 6, 2023], said it was his prayer that Mr. Agyapong will not fare well in the NPP's November 4 elections where the flagbearer for the 2024 general elections will be elected. 

"I don't expect him to do well," he prayed, adding that the November 4 delegates conference will be a one-horse race for Vice President Bawumia.

He called on NPP delegates not to vote for Mr. Agyapong.

Mr Ken Agyapong secured 132 votes to place second in the Special Electoral College selection process on August 26, 2023 shortlisted five candidates out of the 10 aspirants.

He beat Alan Kyerematen who secured 95 votes as against Dr Mahamudu Bawumia's 629 votes for the first position.