To What End? Stop Sending Us Threatening Messages - Alan's Supporter Warns Party Members

The Member of Parliament (MP) of Bortianor-Ngleshie Amanfro constituency and a staunch supporter of Alan Kyerematen, Sylvester Tetteh has revealed that some members of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and followers of the other presidential aspirants of the party have begun sending him and his colleagues threatening messages.

According to him, they have been threatened with messages like "now that Alan has withdrawn from the contest, we will see what becomes of you in the party" among others.

Hon. Sylvester Tetteh, who was a member of the Alan campaign team, scolded those behind the messages to depart from such behavior emphasizing despite supporting the former Trade Minister who has bowed out of the NPP presidential election on November 4, the party still needs his support and that of every single member to win the 2024 elections.

He warned them to stop the threats asking "to what end does or is this culminating into victory for the New Patriotic Party?"

"If you are close to an aspirant or anybody in power, it doesn't make you god over anybody's future in this country or in this party. So, people must learn to respect the choice of other people," he further rebuked them.

The MP made this revelation while speaking on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" programme Friday morning.