WASSCE Candidate Stripped Half-naked At OPASS

A candidate writing the ongoing West Africa Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) at Ofori Panin Senior High School (OPASS) examination center has been stripped half-naked while writing the examination.

The candidate was accused of wearing unprescribed dress.

The student wore white top and brown khaki shorts to the examination center which angered an official to strip him naked by removing the shorts leaving only his boxer shorts on to continue the exams.

The incident occured Thursday morning when the candidates were writing English Language paper.

Reports of maltreatment and intimidation of candidates continue to emanate from the OPASS examination center.

The candidates singled out one George Agyekum who is said to be a Senior Assistant Registrar at WAEC.

He is alleged to have been intimidating candidates and deliberately harassing them, a treatment which is having psychological effects on the candidates.

George Agyekum also allegedly pushed and slapped a candidate over suspicion of attempt to cheat.

Some female students are also allegedly been subject to harassments while being searched for foreign materials on them.

Apart from armed and unarmed Police personnel at the OPASS examination center where over 2000 candidates from two schools namely; Ofori Panin SHS and Bright SHS are writing their exams, some of the invigilators are also masked.

The masked invigilators are reported to be constantly terrorizing candidates.

However, when the WAEC official, George Agyekum, was approached by journalists to address the accusations, he declined to comment stating he has not been authorized to speak and directed the Journalists to go to the WAEC headquarters in Accra.

The conduct of WAEC officials in various examination centers in the Abuakwa North municipality in Eastern Region is very disturbing.

Some parents are worried about the development.

They fear if the intimidation by WAEC officials is not stopped, it may affect the performance of their children.

A furious parent stated that he will draw the attention of appropriate authorities to call the WAEC officials to order.