Nii Noi Commiserate With Abuja-CMB Fire Outbreak Victims

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) Parliamentary Candidate hopeful for Klottey Korle constituency, Valentino Nii Noi Nortey has sympathized with affected traders of a recent fire outbreak at Abuja-CMB in the Central Business District of Accra.

The inferno which occurred last Sunday evening, September 17, 2023, destroyed several shops, wares and cash running into millions of Ghana cedis. 

Nii Noi Nortey on Thursday afternoon visited the site to commiserate with affected traders, where he donated mattress, blankets, mosquito nets, bags of cement, and packets of roofing sheets.

Other items donated included bags of rice, bottles of cooking oil, food packs, beverages, sachets of drinking water, and a cash amount of GHs10,000 to ameliorate the plight of the victims.

In a brief remark to present the items, Nii Noi pledged his continuous support for the traders, while appealing to the central government, corporate organizations and philanthropists to go to the rescue of the traders.