#Occupyjulorbihouse Demo: Watch How Police Officer Sat On The Floor To Beg Protesters

A police officer was captured sitting on the ground, pleading with #OccupyJulorbiHouse protesters to clear the roadblock that had brought traffic to a standstill around the 37 Military Hospital.

The incident unfolded when protesters clad in black and red attire took to the streets to voice their frustrations and demands for change in a three-day demonstration.

The #OccupyJulorbiHouse protesters had taken over major entry points to the capital, causing massive traffic disruptions. Giffard Road, Liberation Road, and Olusegun Obasanjo Highway had all ground to a halt as the demonstrators demanded improvements in the cost of living, an end to corruption, and enhanced governance, among other issues.

The scene unfolded when the said police officer, faced with the impassioned protesters and the growing traffic, sought to reason with protesters as he personally appealed for their cooperation, the officer implored the demonstrators to move aside and allow the free flow of traffic.

“I beg of you to, if it would be possible, move aside for us,” he beseeched them.

However, the protesters remained steadfast in their resolve and defied the officer's pleas. One protester was overheard shouting, "Aban (government most often refers to police officers), you said if it will be possible, but it won't be possible," amidst cheers and noise from fellow demonstrators.

On the last day of the three-day #OccupyJulorbiHouse protests, protesters attempted to force their way through a police barricade deep into the night and march to the presidency.

This is despite the illegal arrests and police highhandedness that marred Day 1 when police arrested 49 protesters, who were detained for hours on allegations of unlawful assembly.

All of them were later released on bail.

Day 2 and 3 passed without any major incident as police barricaded the main road leading to the presidency, Jubilee House, even before the protesters began their march towards the place.

While Day 2 saw the blocking of one part of the 37-Accra road, the final day saw the blocking of both sides which meant vehicular traffic was greatly constrained for the better part of the day.

A policeman sitting on the ground of the street and pleading with the #OccupyJulorbiHouse protesters to allow motorists to pass through.

What a time to be alive!

— SIKAOFFICIAL🦍 (@SIKAOFFICIAL1) September 24, 2023