National Cathedral: Why Duncan-Williams, Eastwood Anaba Resigned

The Founder and General Overseer of the United Denominations of Action Chapel Churches Worldwide, Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams, and the President of the Eastwood Anaba Ministries, Rev. Eastwood Anaba, have both resigned from their positions on the Board of Trustees for the National Cathedral project in Ghana.

The two clergymen were appointed to serve on the Board of Trustees overseeing the construction of the National Cathedral.

Early 2023, Mensa Otabil (General Overseer of International Central Gospel Church), Dag Heward-Mills (Founder and leader of the Lighthouse Chapel International), and Cephas Omenyo (Moderator of the Presbyterian Church) all resigned.

President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo made a pledge before the 2016 election to build a National Cathedral if he won the election. The purpose of building the National Cathedral is to honor God. The Cathedral has been the subject of controversy since its conception. 

Reason for Resignation

In their resignation letter, they cited the Cathedral Board's failure to appoint an independent accounting firm to audit all public funds contributed to the project.

"Further to the National Cathedral in January 2023 as Trustees of the Board of Trustees we submitted a draft Resolution to the said Board resolving that current activities advancing the construction of Ghana's National Cathedral be deferred until the findings of an audit. This deferment included a cessation of activities of the Board of Trustees. Specifically, our Resolution stated, in the spirit and cause of transparency and accountability to the Ghanaian people the current Board of Trustees of The National Cathedral shall appoint an independent accounting firm to audit all public funds contributed to The National Cathedral. This appointment of an auditor shall take place before the deferment of the activities of the Board of Trustees."

Despite our prayers, best hopes and wishes, unfortunately, a needed audit to help restore public confidence and trust in this consequential project has not been enacted to the best of our knowledge. Since January 2023, we awaited news, to no avail. regarding the finding of the audit We. therefore, regret that as a matter of conscience and faith, we hereby submit to you our resignation from the Board of Trustees of the National Cathedral" portions of the statement read.

Below is a copy of the resignation letter

We extend our profound salutations to you in the Name of Jesus Christ! As much as we have met many times over the past two years on issues of national significance. you may recall our requests for an appointment with you to specifically discuss the National Cathedral of Ghana—a vision of yours that we share and cherish. We truly understand that the demands of the nation and indeed the world that have been placed upon your shoulders may have prevented the realisation of this meeting.

Further to the National Cathedral in January 2023 as Trustees of the Board of Trustees we submitted a draft Resolution to the said Board resolving that current activities advancing the construction of Ghana's National Cathedral be deferred until the findings of an audit. This deferment included a cessation of activities of the Board of Trustees. Specifically, our Resolution stated, in the spirit and cause of transparency and accountability to the Ghanaian people the current Board of Trustees of The National Cathedral shall appoint an independent accounting firm to audit all public funds contributed to The National Cathedral. This appointment of an auditor shall take place before the deferment of the activities of the Board of Trustees."

Despite our prayers, best hopes and wishes, unfortunately a needed audit to help restore public confidence and trust in this consequential project has not been enacted to the best of our knowledge. Since January 2023, we awaited news, to no avail. regarding the finding of the audit We. therefore, regret that as a matter of conscience and faith, we hereby submit to you our resignation from the Board of Trustees of the National Cathedral. We honourably assure you, as we assured the Board of Trustees in January 2023 with the submission of our Resolution, that our action in no way impugns the vision or intent of The National Cathedral. but rather ensures that it is advanced and built on a foundation of integrity. efficiency and quality while garnering and maintaining public trust and support We truly owe this to God and to country.

We remain confident that one day your vision of a National Cathedral of Ghana that provides a "sacred space and infrastructure" for formal religious and other activities in the nation, such as state funerals, presidential inaugural services, and global gatherings that advance faith, peace, reconciliation, stability and a better world, while supporting tourism as a promising pillar of Ghana's economy, will be realised in our lifetime. We believe that you will always stand as the visionary and the architect of this vision and trust that 'a dream deferred is not a dream denied."

Your Excellency, please accept the assurances of our prayers and best wishes and The Board of Trustees of Ghana's National Cathedral for strength and su We thank you for the opportunity to serve our nation

Yours sincerely.