African Centre For Mission Mobilization & Research Signs MoU With Centre For Study Of Early African Christianity

The African Centre for Mission Mobilization & Research (ACMMR) and the Centre for the Study of Early African Christianity (CESEAC), a part of the Akrofi-Christaller Institute for Theology, Mission & Culture (ACI), are pleased to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to collaborate on supporting and promoting their respective objectives.

With Africa being home to the largest number of Christians in the world today, ACMMR aims to mobilize the continent for the mission of God in a knowledge-based manner. On the other hand, ACI, recognizing the shift in the center of gravity of Christianity towards the continent, seeks to develop academic programs and research opportunities focused on African Christianity and its contribution to the world.

The Interim Director for ACMMR, Dr. Yaw Perbi, who is also a Lausanne Movement catalyst, stated that the objective of the MoU is to foster a synergistic partnership between ACMMR and ACI's CESEAC to achieve the following goals: Provide a reputable and sustainable platform for total mission mobilization through various media channels; facilitate credible academic research and dissemination on missions in Africa; develop evidence-based tools and resources tailored to the African context.

“The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to facilitate the provision of comprehensive education, training, and development opportunities in Africa. Additionally, it aims to establish strategic partnerships with other institutions on the continent and globally, to further enhance the direction and impact of our work," he remarked.