We're Losing Our Ghanaian Language - Nana Akomea Worries

Nana Akomea has expressed worry over the gradual depletion of Ghanaian language speaking among the youth in Ghana.

The STC boss, speaking on Peace FM's morning show "Kokrokoo", feared the local language may be entirely lost in the next generations.

He noted that many Ghanaian children today cannot speak their local dialect but rattle on in English language with ease.

"Go to a Professor's house nowadays and ask their children where their father is in Twi and you will see them gazing at you," he said to indicate how bad the situation has become.

"There has to be a national awareness and effort because we are losing our language. It is serious, whether it's Twi, Ga, whether it's Ewe," he appealed.

Nana Akomea raised these concerns when a panel member on Kokrokoo, Professor Kofi Agyekum, who is the Head of Linguistics at the University of Ghana, pointed out some errors that most people including broadcasters make when speaking or broadcasting in Twi.