Kennedy Agyepong’s Ananse $800 Million Story That Kwaku Ananse Will Not Believe

Ordinarily, I would not be too bothered about the internal affairs of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), because my political philosophy (Left, Center-Left, Social Democracy), is at variance with theirs (Extreme Right, Property-Owning Democracy).

However, and especially, when some of their internal wrangling tends to negatively affect the sovereign image/interests of the Republic of Ghana, then, as a nationalist, it is extremely difficult for me not to move my thoughts in the direction of the elephants.

After all, is it not said that “when two elephants 🐘🐘 fight , it is the grass that suffers”?

Under the current circumstances, Ghana is the “suffering grass”, so as a Ghanaian, “I will put my mouth inside the NPP matter”.

It is a matter of fact that people have decided that politics is a dirty game and so they enter the arena of politics only with one agenda in mind: to play the game as dirty as they possibly can - not caring a hoot about whatever dire consequences their actions brings upon their political party in particular, and the nation in general.

There are those who also believe that most of the people “down the ladder” are a bunch of dead brains and so once lies are packaged and fed to them, they will swallow it, hook, line and sinker, and maybe even beg for more.

Kennedy Agyepong, one of the persons seeking to become Flagbearer of the NPP and is also dreaming (he is allowed to dream and pursue his dreams) of becoming President of the Republic of Ghana πŸ‡¬πŸ‡­, has put out some incredulous information that needs to be looked at with serious skepticism.

I have decided to approach his comment with tons of skepticism because he has lied several times about my person as part of his ignoble art of politicking.

For example, he lied consistently, when I was Presidential Aide and Head of Communications at the Presidency, that I owned a chain of homes in East Legon, when I do not own an inch of grass no a rubble of debris in East Legon.

As he continues to engage in all kinds of political antics to catch attention, Kennedy has put it out that some people supposedly close to Vice President Bawumia, have attempted to bribe him with a whooping $800 (Eight Hundred) million dollars to step down to ostensibly make things much easier (I do not know how difficult it is), for the Vice President to become the next Flagbearer of the NPP.

I repeat for emphasis; Kennedy Agyepong wants the nation/world to believe that some people tried to bribe him with a whopping $800 million.

$800 million?

Kennedy Agyepong continues to brag that he is rich and I want to ask; has he seen $800 million before?

Recently, when the Government was hard-up and begging for an, Extended Credit Facility, from the Breton Woods Institutions, did the Government not struggle to land $3 billion?

By way of disbursement, was the first tranche not $600 million?

Is the expected second tranche not also going to be in the same range of $600 million?

So, the NPP is struggling to get another $600 million from its creditors, yet the Party has $800 million to bribe Kennedy Agyepong? Complete hogwash!!!

Why on earth would the NPP want to spend $800 million on a tired elephant 🐘 struggling to sing his swan song when that colossal amount of money can re-position the Government vis-a-vis easing the heavy financial burden on the economy?

There is no denying the fact that Kennedy is very bitter about something (I do not know what it is), hence his anger-laden rants all over the place.

But for goodness sake; Kennedy should please spare us his big fat lies!!!

If he has been able to hold some NPP supporters captive - so they believe all his tales, he should please accord the majority of Ghanaians some modicum of acceptable respect.

The NPP certainly has its own problems but I am not sure that in the midst of its self-inflicted problems, the NPP is sick to the extent that it would be coughing up a whopping $800 million to bribe Kennedy Agyepong when the Government can use that money to quickly fix some of the nation’s problems.

Besides, is it not the selfsame Kennedy Agyepong, who confessed recently that all the reckless comments he made about John Mahama in the past, were all lies?

On his own volition and under no known duress (except to attempt to free himself from his past gross misdeeds), Kennedy Agyepong admitted that his political rhetoric has been full of a deliberate deluge of lies and conscious falsehoods.

You sit on the airwaves over the years and churn out deliberate lies about other politicians and when you come out and confess your unwise misdeeds, you expect to be hailed and adored? No way !!!

If Kennedy Agyepong thinks that his confessions have freed him from his guilt, for his information, it has rather panned him out as a very discredited politician who just lies to score fleeting cheap political points.

On a very serious note, so, Kennedy Agyepong really believes that he has what it takes to be President of Kwame Nkrumah’s Ghana, and Commander-in-Chief of the Ghana Armed Forces?

Honestly, pursuing some dreams can leave people skating on very thin ice and orbiting in realms of absolute malaise.

Ghana Armed Forces can contain an extremely erratic Commander-in-Chief who will wake up from a bad dream and not only insult the military high command openly (aboa, kwasea, gyimifuor etc), but also commit them to senseless wars just to fan his ego? Haaba!!!

For a person who has openly abused every Institution of state, and openly called for the total extermination of Ewes and Gas, does he have the temperament and mindset to lead this dear nation of ours? I seriously doubt it.

Well, as the D-day for the NPP approaches, I pray that the delegates will continue to glue their thoughts to what is in the best interest of their party and the supreme interest of the Republic of Ghana.

I wish the NPP well, but I fly my best wishes in the direction of my beloved Motherland, Ghana πŸ‡¬πŸ‡­ .

Shalom πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

Samuel Koku Anyidoho.

(A True Ghanaian/Nationalist/Patriot).

November 1, 2023.