You Haven’t Punished Media Attackers Enough – Oppong Nkrumah

Minister for Information, Kojo Oppong Nkrumah, has called for more stringent action against individuals responsible for attacks on journalists.

Expressing concern over the escalating incidents of violence targeting the media, the Minister urged judges to expedite severe penalties, emphasizing the need for swift and decisive justice, regardless of the culprits' social status or political affiliations.

“Freedom of expression is the cornerstone of every democratic society; it is a fundamental right that must be protected and upheld. We cannot, however discuss freedom of expression without press freedom and recognising the important role journalists play in our society.

“It is our duty to create an environment where journalists can carry out their work without fear of violence or intimidation. We must condemn any form of violence against journalists and take concrete steps to provide them with the necessary protection and support,” the Minister said.

The call was made during the opening ceremony of a training workshop for judges held on Monday, December 4, 2023, in Accra. The workshop focused on the critical importance of safeguarding freedom of expression and ensuring the safety of journalists.

In line with creating a conducive and safe environment for journalists, he said government through the Ministry of Information has initiated several programmes aimed at supporting the media sector. Since 2019, these efforts have resulted in the development of key interventions to confront the challenges faced by the media industry.