Ghana Association of Banks and United Way Ghana Join Forces to Aid Akosombo Dam Spillage Disaster Victims

The Ghana Association of Banks (GAB) in partnership with the United Way Ghana has extended its support to the victims of the Akosombo Dam Spillage Disaster.

According to them, this initiative was sponsored by the financial backing of the entire membership of the Ghana Association of Banks, and aims to provide timely aid to the affected communities through the execution of a strategic intervention plan.

In an interview with Peace FM News, the Executive Director of the United Way Ghana, Madam Faustina Abbey emphasized on the intervention strategy, shaped by a meticulous needs assessment conduct in collaboration with community leaders is set to unfold in multiple phases and the initial phase was executed on October 27, 2023 prioritized the distribution of relief items to 150 households, comprising 88% females and 12% males, totaling 657 individuals.

She added that building on the success of phase 1, the Ghana Association of Banks in partnership with United Way Ghana, executed the second phase in December, marketing Agbetikpo in North Tongu and Tokpo in Osudoku District with a comprehensive survey conducted by United Way Ghana guided the intervention, seeking to understand the evolving needs, challenges, and resources required for effective recovery of the affected families.

She said the phase 2 concentrated on aiding 250 families, encompassing nearly 1,750 individuals, with complete bedding and two months worth of food suppliers, 250 school children whose educational materials were compromised by the disaster receives schools bags and stationery to facilitate their continued engagement in learning and in a notable gesture, 100 school girls lacking access to sanitary pads were provided with a four-month supply, ensuring hygienic menstrual management.