Dr. Bawumia Should Declare His Stance On LGBTQ+ - Hannah Bissiw Dares Veep

On the issues of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer/questioning and asexual – most Ghanaian politicians tread cautiously to declare their stance despite a handful frowning on the act.

The Anti-LGBTQ+bill is yet to be passed into law in Ghana, but many believe the law will ‘never’ progress since the argument that gays and lesbians also have their rights.

However, the National Women’s Organizer of the National Democratic Congress (NDC) has thrown a challenge to Ghana’s Vice President, Dr Mahamudu Bawumia to join the Anti-LGBTQ+ campaigners since his religion does not support same-sex marriage or any related activities of the LGBTQ+ community.

Hanna Louisa Bissiw in an interview with NEAT FM’s morning show, 'Ghana Montie' accused the Vice President of ‘secretly’ supporting the LGBTQ+ community for his political gains.

I know Mr Mahama will not support this, but I want to ask Dr Bawumia to tell us his stance on homosexuality. Ghana is not ready for a leader who cannot boldly condemn this act,” she said.

Adding that, “We need opposite sex to produce babies.