Dumsor Is Mahama's Legacy; It Won't Return - Egyapa To Doomsday Prophets

"What I would want to tell the doomsday prophets is that Dumsor is not back," says Deputy Minister of Energy, Andrew Kofi Egyapa Mercer.

Some parts of the country experienced power outages, popularly known as 'Dumsor', which led to calls for an explanation from the government.

The government has attributed the recent power outages in the country to financial difficulties with the West Africa Gas Pipeline Company (WAGPCo). As a result, WAGPCo was forced to cut off gas supply to Ghana, leading to the power outages.

Egyapa Mercer speaking in an interview on Peace FM's morning show, 'Kokrokoo' gave further details but assured Ghanaians that the challenges have been resolved.

Doomsday prophets

The Deputy Energy Minister however, expressed disappointment over the fact that the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) was jubilating over the 'return of dumsor'

"Dumsor is not back. Dumsor is former President Mahama’s legacy; it was dead with him and will remain buried with him. Issues regarding the power outages have been resolved” he told sit-in host, Nana Yaw Kesseh