NDC Parliamentary Candidate For Odododiodioo Pledges Unity

The National Democratic Congress (NDC) Parliamentary Candidate for Odododiodioo in the Greater Accra Region, Alfred Nii Kotey Ashie, has pledged to help unite the party ahead of the December 2024 general election.

Mr Kotey Ashie, a former NDC Constituency Secretary of Odododiodioo, made the pledge after he was declared the winner of the NDC Odododiodioo parliamentary primary held last Sunday, January 21, 2024.

He polled 1,209 votes to beat his sole contender and a two-term NDC MP for Amasaman in the Greater Accra Region, Emmanuel Nii Okai Laryea, who secured 952 votes of the total votes of 2,161.

Over 2100 NDC delegates from the Odododiodioo Constituency took part in the election which was put on hold due to an injunction filed by disqualified parliamentary aspirant, Michael Nii Yarboi Anan.

Sunday’s election went ahead after the dismissal of the interlocutory injunction application filed by Mr Yarboi Anan.

Mr Kotey Ashie would succeed the sitting NDC Member of Parliament (MP), Edwin Nii Lantey Vanderpuye, who is bowing out of Parliament after serving for three terms.

Peaceful election
The Chairman of the NDC Odododiodioo Constituency, Paul Nii Oblie Laryea, in an interview with the Daily Graphic said the constituency thanked the aspirants and their supporters for a peaceful and successful conduct of the election.

He said Mr Annan who was disqualified from the primaries was there to vote and support the party.

He urged members of the party to unite and present a united front for this year's election.

Mr Laryea acknowledged that by the successful conduct of primary, it was an indication that the party was poised to retain the Odododiodioo parliamentary seat in the 2024 general election.

“Although it was Sunday, we had over 90 per cent of delegates coming to cast their vote and it was overwhelming.

 This shows how ready we are to ensure that the NDC wins the elections,” he said.

He said for the party to win, “we need unity across the board, from polling station level to national.

 Once we are united, we will win both the parliamentary and presidential elections."

He said the aspirants had pledged their support to ensure the NDC wins the parliamentary and presidential elections.