Make Wise Choices, Don’t follow Money -Atik Mohammed To NPP Delegates

Former General Secretary of the People’s National Convention (PNC), Mr. Atik Mohammed has urged delegates of the New Patriotic Party (NPP ) to make wise choices as they embark on the Parliamentary Primaries Saturday, January 27, 2024.

He explained, considering the work that the recent parliament has done, it will be prudent to elect those who have the ability and potential to formulate policies that will build the nation.

Mr. Atik revealed that, the primary aim of an MP is to formulate policies or make laws that will govern the country. The making of roads, according to Mr. Atik, is just an incidental responsibility.

He again cautioned delegates against allowing money to influence their decisions while electing their candidates who will represent NPP for the December 2024 general elections.

"We must be focused, more non-resource based economic transformation. So any candidate who, for instance, has in-depth knowledge in mining will be an asset to parliament because such a fellow can offer very meaningful discourse of policy formulation for the minerals sector'' Atik said on Peace FM’s Kokrokoo morning show. 

'Whatever they do tomorrow will have an effect on their performance in the general election,'' he added.