You Have My Blessings - Joe Ghartey Assures Essikado-Ketan PC

Member of Parliament for Essikado-Ketan, Joe Ghartey has assured the newly elected Parliamentary Candidate of his constituency Mr Charles Bissue of his support ahead of December 7. election.  

Mr Bissue officially introduced himself to the outgoing Essikado-Ketan MP to seek his blessing.

The two discussed how to transform the constituency in the coming years.

“The reception was great, and I felt honoured by his counsel. Hon. Joe Ghartey assured of working with me in delivering the best of development for the good people of Essikado-Ketan, as he prepares for his exit in 2025.” Mr Bissue said after the meeting.

Adding that, “Our conversation and commitment transcends the coming election.  

“It is a common agenda for expansive development in infrastructure, human resources and prosperity for all. #TogetherWeCan”.