Ministerial Reshuffle: 'Those Who Talk Don't Know, Those Who Know Don't Talk' - Kabilla Replies Critics

The President of the Republic, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, has finally reshuffled his Ministers following public outburst over the years to remove some of his Ministers, particularly the Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta.

The Finance and Health Ministers, Ken Ofori-Atta and Kwaku Agyemang Manu have been dismissed with the Minister for Interior, Ambrose Dery also removed but reassigned as Minister of State.

The news of Hon. Ofori-Atta's removal, though comes to satisfy a section of the Ghanaian populace as they have waited for it since 2022, some people however find the ministerial reshuffle too late.

They feel it has no relevance as this year is the last term for the President.

But to those who consider the reshuffle as being late, James Kwabena Bomfeh, popularly called "Kabilla", has a brief message for them.

Giving a reply during Peace FM's morning show "Kokrokoo", the former CPP General Secretary advised them saying "those who talk don't know, those who know don't talk. The President has acted, we can wish them all well".