Limited Voter Registration: You Need A Contingency Plan - Majority Leader Tells EC

In the view of majority leader Alexander Afenyo-Markin, considering the myriad of challenges confronting the ongoing limited voter registration exercises, it is of great importance for the Electoral Commission to set up a contingency plan.

The limited voter registration which started on the 6th of May, has been characterised with numerous electronic and technical challenges thereby impeding the smooth running of the exercise. 

It is in light of these challenges that the Effutu lawmaker has called on the EC to set up a contingency plan so that many of the persons who turned 18 and those who were not able to register during the last exercise can do so in the coming days before the scheduled date ends.

During a visit to one of the electoral areas in the Efutu constituency, the MP acknowledged some of the challenges confronting the process thereby necessitating his comment.

“The Electoral Commission must improve on its system of registration. Obviously, if we are all talking about network failures, then I am not sure that they will be able to complete on schedule. The frustrations and the delays must be addressed.

“So I am urging the Electoral Commission to ensure that they have a backup system because as it is, the frustrations are one too many. And I would encourage the Electoral Commission to live up to expectations,” he said.