Limited Voter Registration: NPP Director Of Communication Denies Claims Of Double Registration

Richard Ahiagbah, the Director of Communications for the New Patriotic Party (NPP), has vehemently denied allegations of double registration circulating on social media.

The claims, according to him are being propagated by operatives of the National Democratic Congress (NDC). He described them as “false and without merit.”

Ahiagbah, who has been a registered voter in Ketu South since 2000, explained the situation in detail.

He stated that he received a voter’s ID for the 2020 general elections from the Electoral Commission (EC). However, during the 2023 limited voter registration exercise, his biometrics failed to register, an issue he discovered was not unique to him.

In an attempt to rectify this administrative error, Ahiagbah sought assistance from the EC officials during the 2023 limited voter registration exercise. They advised him to seek inclusion later or obtain a new voter’s ID card during the 2024 limited voter registration window.

He explained that when he went to the registration center where he registered in 2020 to fix the EC’s administrative error, he was met with a challenge to his eligibility. Despite his attempts to advise the NDC challenger to stop obstructing the registration process, both the NDC agents and EC officials paid no attention.

“This challenge is a sign of more disruptive acts to come,” warned Ahiagbah.

He urged the EC to take a firm and decisive stance to deal with these tendencies and ensure peace.

Despite the challenges, Ahiagbah remains committed to going through all the necessary processes to get his name on the register, exercise his democratic right to vote, and support the New Patriotic Party on December 7th.

“I am committed to going through all the necessary processes to get my name on the register, exercise my democratic right to vote, and support the New Patriotic Party on December 7th,” Ahiagbah affirmed.