Pay Back Your Loans; Be A Good Citizen - Prof. Osafo To Ghanaians

Senior Psychologist, Rev. Prof. Joseph Osafo has urged Ghanaians to pay back loans they take from government and other entities when time is due or follow the instalment payment plans to refund the loan.

The Director for the Centre for Ageing Studies at the University of Ghana wondered why some Ghanaians refuse to pay back their loans, especially when the money belongs to government.

Prof. Osafo, speaking on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show,  offered this advice to the citizenry while discussing housing loans scheme and rent issues as the Executive Secretary of the Public Servants Housing Loans Scheme, Richard Asante Yeboah, educates the public on his outfit's activities.

Richard Asante Yeboah raised concerns over people being given loans by his organization and repayment becomes difficult, hence compelling him to re-strategize to ensure those who gain from the housing loans scheme don't exploit the opportunity.

In respect of this, Prof. Osafo emphasized; "As we are encouraging people to go for loans, when you receive it, be a good citizen and pay back. Stop this attitude where when one goes for government loan refuses to pay back in the name of this belongs to government."