2024 Elections: Bawumia Storms Savannah Region; Touching Base With The PeopleĀ 

Flagbearer of the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia has stepped up his community engagements as he commenced the 8th Region of his national engagements in the Savannah Region today.

Dr. Bawumia has already toured Eastern, Western, Western North, Ahafo, Bono, Bono East and North East Regions since he started his Regional community engagements where he has had innovative engagements on the streets, in markets, shops and house-to-house interactions.

This Wednesday morning, Dr. Bawumia and his team stormed the Savannah Region, starting the day by moving from street to street and house to house.

Dr. Bawumia engaged with people at Yapei toll booth, fufulsuo market and lorry station as well as community members in Busunu.

The NPP flagbearer is expected to have a busy day in Damongo where he is scheduled to interact with the Clergy, Imams and Zongo Chiefs, market women as well as the youth.