Mathematical Error: It Shouldn't Happen; Double, Tripple and Quadruple Check - EC Advised

Kwamena Duncan has waded into discussions regarding the computation errors by the Electoral Commission in the ongoing limited registration exercise.

The Commission released a statement indicating to the public their correction of the errors which characterized the second and third days of the registration exercise.

The Electoral Commission, in publishing the total number of persons registered across the sixteen Regions (16) of Ghana made an error in the infographics.

But according to EC statement dated May 12, “the Electoral Commission has corrected errors in the previously released daily voter registration numbers. The inaccuracies were in the cumulative totals for days two and three, though the regional numbers were correct. The Upper East’s day three's total was mistakenly repeated for day four. These have been amended”.

This latest development has become a matter of concern with some persons vehemently criticizing the Commission.

Seasoned Journalist, Kwesi Pratt, commenting on this issue, scolded the electoral management body saying “these errors in the results by the Electoral Commission, how do you explain it? We’ve gone to register names. We have the tallies; simple addition, the Electoral Commission cannot do it...I can’t understand this; a whole Electoral Commission cannot do addition. There is no subtraction, division or multiplication and you can’t do this".

“Is the Electoral Commission saying that they cannot do simple addition. A whole electoral body like the Electoral Commission cannot do a simple addition. How can Ghanaians repose confidence in you?", he fumed.

Addressing the issue on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show Wednesday morning, the former Central Regional Minister, Kwamena Duncan commended the EC for their effective job but cautioned them not to let these errors to mar their work.

He alluded to the 2020 elections where the EC Chairperson, Jean Mensa slipped while declaring the winner but quickly corrected it which however occasioned the Supreme Court election petition by the opposition National Democratic Congress.

To Kwamena Duncan, looking at this historic event, the Commission should have done everything to avoid any error in this year's limited registration exercise.

"It should not happen because of the history, because of what has happened before. Anything and everything we need to do to avoid it, we must do it. So, you should double check, triple check, quadruple check; all of those levels should be done," he said and advised the EC to check themselves.

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