Only Ignorant Folks Think I’m Not Talented - Patapaa

Musician Patapaa who hit the limelight in 2017 when he released his debut, One Corner, has expressed his displeasure at people especially his critics who thinks he has no talent and that his fame was just by chance.

Patapaa described those who thought he was ungifted and has no place in music as ignorant who just refuse to see the gem that he is.

In a recent interview with Graphic Showbiz, he mentioned that he has continuously become a subject of ridicule, and he intends to change the negative labelling which was affecting his music fortunes by educating the “ignorant folks”.

“Some radio and TV panellists/pundits, presenters, industry insiders, have always tried to label me as untalented which is false. This negative claim is affecting my progress in the music industry.”

“Interestingly, most of these people don’t even understand how the industry works but they will be playing experts.”

“That is where I have a problem, they come out and want to take every opportunity to trample on my brand. I want such people to know that it’s not easy to build a brand like mine yet they want to use short time to destroy everything I have worked hard for.”

“This has been happening for years so no matter how much I try to work hard, it’s very difficult because I have been branded as a man who doesn’t make sensible songs which is untrue and that narrative must stop.”

“Those who say or think that way are just ignorant. I am going to school them and put some discipline in the music game because some of their comments are born out of jealousy and not genuine appreciation of music,” he said.