Court Dismisses Food Sovereignty Ghana Request to Stop Commercialization of GMO Foods

The Human Rights Division of the High Court in Accra has dismissed a request by Food Sovereignty Ghana to stop the National Biosafety Authority from the commercialization of Genetically Modified foods in Ghana.

In 2015, a Civil society organisation, Sovereignty Ghana, dragged the National Biosafety Authority to court over claims they did not have the authority to commercialise GMO products.

After nine years of the legal tussle, the court has brought finality to the matter.

The presiding Judge, Justice Barbara Tetteh Charwey while delivering her judgment on Friday,  24th May, noted that, the Plaintiff (Food Sovereignty Ghana), did not provide enough evidence to substantiate their claim.

The Chief Executive Officer of the National Biosafety Authority, Eric Okoree Amaning speaking to Journalists after the Judgement said, the commercialization of GMO's is not against the law that regulates their work.

"We are happy because we've walked along the path of the Act and we've been doing exactly what the Act which established us has asked us to do."

Reacting to the judgment, Counsel for Sovereignty Ghana, Wayo Ghanamannti said, despite their case being dismissed, they are happy that, the court has ordered the National biosafety Authority to label Genetically Modified foods.

"The court made consequential orders and these are very important orders and so for us its a victory. What are these orders? The orders are that, the National Biosafety Authority is supposed to label all GMO's in Ghana and that's victory for the plaintiff," he revealed.