Ghana Imports Gari - Prof. Smart Sarpong Reveals

Ghana is said to be currently importing gari and funeral posters from foreign countries.

This was revealed by Senior Researcher, Prof. Smart Sarpong on Peace FM's panel discussion show "Kokrokoo" on Friday, May 24.

Prof. Smart Sarpong complained bitterly about the attitude of Ghanaian traders saying they are partly to blame for the economic challenges and depreciation of the cedi.

"Surprisingly, Ghana has started importing gari to extent that some people prefer that gari to our local gari. I dread the importer of this gari will use some ways and means to kill our local gari and eventually production of gari in Ghana may reduce and disappear from the system", he disclosed.

He further gave a disturbing revelation about trading in the nation, stating "Ghana is the number 1 importer of second clothing from Canada...We even import funeral posters".

Although this came as a shocking surprise to host Kwami Sefa Kayi and the Kokrokoo panel, Prof. Sarpong pledged to provide evidence to back his claims.