Prolonged Power Outage Plagues Ablekuma Manhea: Residents Await ECG Response

The residents of Ablekuma Manhea have been grappling with a significant disruption in their daily lives as the area has been without electricity for the past week.

Despite numerous attempts to contact the Electricity Corporation of Ghana (ECG), the issue remains unresolved, leaving the community in a state of frustration and uncertainty.

Since the onset of the blackout, residents have made countless efforts to engage with ECG officials, only to receive assurances of imminent repairs that have yet to materialize.

The prolonged outage has caused considerable inconvenience, affecting households, businesses, and essential services.

"We've been calling ECG every day," lamented a local shop owner.

"Each time, they tell us the issue will be fixed soon, but a week has gone by with no action. Our businesses are suffering, and the situation is becoming unbearable."

The lack of power has disrupted not only economic activities but also the education and health sectors in the area. Schools are struggling to conduct classes without electricity, and health facilities are facing challenges in delivering critical services.

In light of the growing frustration, community leaders are urging ECG to expedite the repair process and provide a clear timeline for the restoration of power.

They are also calling for improved communication to keep residents informed about the status of the repairs and any interim measures being taken.

The situation in Ablekuma Manhea highlights the broader issues of infrastructure and service reliability that many communities across the country face.

It underscores the need for more robust systems and responsive customer service to prevent such prolonged disruptions in the future.

As the blackout continues, the residents of Ablekuma Manhea remain hopeful for a swift resolution, urging ECG to act promptly and fulfill their promise to restore electricity to the area.