Limited Voter Registration: Ghanaian Youth Are Being Deprived from Voting in December - Nana Kwame Bediako

Nana Kwame Bediako a.k.a Cheddar or IamFreedom has picked a bone of contention with the Electoral Commission over their limited voters' registration exercise.

The New Force leader, in an interview on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show, accused the Electoral Commission of depriving many youth of Ghana of their voting right.

According to him, the time period given for the limited registration which was scheduled from May 7 to May 20 is very short to capture all eligible youth into the voters' register.

He challenged the EC's figures which are over 500,000 people registering in this year's exercise, saying "that is their figures; let's face the reality".

He explained the reality as the Electoral Management Body disenfranchising a large population of the youth who form 75 percent of the entire nation, stressing the youth have the enormous power to elect President for Ghana.

He narrated; "The size of the youth in Ghana is 74.9 percent. 74.9% is two-thirds of the nation...So, it is about 27 million people...Our youth has the real power to vote. In 2020, they (EC) did registration and many of the youth couldn't register because they did the exercise from June to 6th August. 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024; now many of the youth have grown with some even turning 21/22/23 of age and have power to register today.

"When you know the number of the youth who turned 18 in May in 2024 could be 400,000 and in June/July could be 300,000 and 200,000 respectively and the number goes on till November. When you add all the numbers, it is in millions."

"My problem is why are you depriving them from the opportunity to register at an early age to understand democracy," he questioned.

Cheddar was however confident he will become Ghana's next President.

Nana Kwame Bediako expressed his agitations in an interview on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" morning show.

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