Parliament To Reconvene On June 11, 2024

Ghana's Parliament is scheduled to resume its sitting on June 11, 2024, as announced by the Speaker of Parliament, Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin.

In accordance with Order 58 of the Standing Orders of the Parliament of Ghana, Speaker Bagbin issued notice for the commencement of the third meeting of the fourth session of the eighth Parliament of the Fourth Republic.

In the official notice, Speaker Bagbin stated: "I, Alban Sumana Kingsford Bagbin, Speaker of Parliament, hereby give notice that the third meeting of the fourth session of the eighth Parliament of the Fourth Republic shall commence on Tuesday, the 11th day of June 2024, at ten o'clock in the forenoon at Parliament House, Accra."

The notice was dated in the Speaker's office in Accra, Ghana, on the 27th day of May.

The reconvening of Parliament will allow Members of Parliament to continue their duties of representing the interests of the Ghanaian people and deliberating on crucial matters of national importance.