Where Lies Your Integrity? - Kofi Tonto Blasts Mahama Over EC Comment

Government Spokesperson, Kofi Tonto has vehemently descended on former President John Dramani Mahama and the opposition National Democratic Congress over their criticisms of the Electoral Commission.

The opposition party accuses the Electoral Commission (EC) of conniving with the governing New Patriotic Party with an aim to rig the December elections.

The former President, according to Kofi Tonto, also alleges gerrymandering against the EC.

Speaking in relation to the recent violence during the Commission's vote transfer exercise resulting in a stabbing incident at Kasoa in the Central Region involving the son of the  Minister of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development, Mavis Hawa Koomson, Kofi Tonto blasted the former President asking why he would attack the reputation of the Electoral Commission.

He alluded to some comments that Mr. Mahama made during the era of Charlotte Osei as the Chairperson of the Commission where the latter, in defence of the EC, emphasized that the Commission has an inherent system of integrity, hence cannot compromise elections.

He added that Mahama advised the then opposition New Patriotic Party to desist from smearing the character of the Commission.

Kofi Tonto therefore questioned the logic in Mahama's stance on the EC, wondering how he would once say the EC is sacrosanct but today impugn the Commission's integrity.

"Why is it that the same EC you said has integrity, today, you claim doesn't have integrity?", he queried.

Mr. Tonto, commenting on Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" show, challenged John Mahama's integrity against that of the Jean Mensa-led Electoral Commission.

"Where lies your integrity respectfully?", he scolded the NDC presidential candidate.