Shortage of TB Drugs Poses Danger - National Board Chairman of Stop TB Partnership Ghana

Hospitals across the country are facing critical shortages of essential drugs, particularly tuberculosis (TB) medications, due to a backlog at the port.

This alarming situation has raised significant health concerns and calls for immediate government intervention.

The National Board Chairman of the Stop TB Partnership Ghana, Mr. Eric Kwabena Agbozo in an interview with Peace FM news emphasized the severity of the issue, highlighting the urgent need for government action.

He stated that TB patients are no longer receiving their medications on a regular monthly basis due to the ongoing shortage.

He also revealed that many patients are experiencing life-threatening complications because of the inconsistencies in drug administration. He warned that interruptions in taking TB medications can lead to drug resistance, necessitating longer-term treatment and changes in medication regimens.

Mr. Agbozo reiterated that because tuberculosis is an airborne disease, it is dangerous to have infected individuals walking around without any medical treatment.

He urged the government to expedite the clearance of essential drugs at the port to prevent further deterioration of the health situation and to protect the community from the spread of TB.