The Heartbeat Of Democracy: The Parent-Child Relationship Of Politics; An Emotional Appeal To The New Patriotic Party - Hon. Kankam Twumasi Daniel Write

In the intricate dance of democracy, there exists a fundamental distinction between a political party and the government it births. This distinction, often blurred by the fervor of political ambition, must be crystal clear if parties are to truly serve their members, particularly those at the grassroots. This article delves into the soul of this relationship, exploring the duty of political parties to nurture and guide their governments, ensuring that the sacrifices of their grassroots are acknowledged and rewarded when the party is in government…

The political party is the parent of the government. Like any loving parent, it bears the sacred duty of nurturing its offspring. This nurturing begins in the crucible of opposition, where the party must invest in the education and development of its principles and members. This phase is akin to raising a child, requiring selfless sacrifices and unwavering dedication. The grassroots members, often the unsung heroes, toil tirelessly, laying the foundation for a future where their ideals can flourish. They are the bedrock upon which the party builds its aspirations, often sacrificing personal comfort and security for the greater good…

As the party grows and matures, it campaigns relentlessly, rallying support and shaping public opinion. The day the party wins government is the day the child graduates into adulthood. The government, now an adult, stands on the shoulders of its parent; the party. However, it remains intrinsically linked to its roots, its identity forever shaped by the values and efforts of the party and its members. The transformation from opposition to governance is not just a change in status; it is a testament to the hard work, determination, and sacrifices of the grassroots members who believed in a vision and worked tirelessly to make it a reality…

Now, as an adult, the government has responsibilities. It must recognize the debt it owes to its parent; thus the party and, by extension, to the grassroots members. This recognition is not just a matter of respect; it is a moral obligation. The government must create opportunities and an enabling environment for these members to thrive. It must remember the selfless sacrifices that brought it to power and strive to repay this debt through policies and actions that uplift those who have been the backbone of its success; thus the grassroots…

When a party fails to acknowledge this fundamental relationship, it risks alienating its most loyal supporters. The government, entangled in the complexities of state affairs and the hubris of power, may forget its origins, leading to a disconnect that can have dire consequences. The grassroots members, once the heart and soul of the party’s aspirations, may find themselves marginalized and forgotten. This is not just a political misstep; it is a betrayal of the trust and effort that these members have invested…

To the Leadership of the New Patriotic Party, this is a heartfelt appeal. Recognize the symbiotic relationship between the party and the government. Understand that the government, in all its power and glory, is still your child. It owes its existence to the selfless sacrifices of the grassroots members. Acknowledge these sacrifices and let the government know its role and responsibilities. Create opportunities and an enabling environment for these members to thrive, ensuring that their hard work does not go in vain…

In this dance of democracy, let us remember that the heart of any government is its people. The grassroots members are not just a means to an end; they are the lifeblood of the party’s vision and the foundation upon which the government stands. Let their sacrifices be honored, their voices heard, and their contributions valued. Only then can we truly say that we have served our people and upheld the principles of partisan democracy…

In the end, it is not the power we wield but the lives we touch and the hearts we honor that define our legacy. Let the New Patriotic Party lead by example, showing that in recognizing and uplifting its grassroots members, it truly understands the essence of democracy…

A humble appeal from a well-known political grassroots leader. Now an Assemblyman…