SSNIT Hotels Sale: Why Sell Something That Generates Money for Us? - Atik Blasts SSNIT

Atik Mohammed has expressed bitter sentiments over the sale of four hotels from SSNIT to Rock City Hotel, a company owned by the Minister for Agriculture, Bryan Acheampong.

On Tuesday, June 18, scores of Ghanaian protesters including organized labour and some leading members of the opposition National Democratic Congress hit the streets in vehement protest against the sale.

The protesters wielding placards with inscriptions stating disgust over the sale and other economic issues under the Akufo-Addo administration marched in procession towards the seat of government resulting in a violent confrontation between them and the Police who prevented them from entering the Jubilee House.

The hotels in question include the Labadi Beach Hotel, La Palm Royal Beach Resort, Elmina Beach Resort and Busua Beach Resort.

Discussing the matter during Peace FM's "Kokrokoo" morning show, Atik Mohammed questioned the logic in SSNIT offloading 60% of its shares in the four hotels to Rock City arguing if the hotels are insolvent, it may be due to management lapses which therefore calls for a new management to revive the hotels.

"Why do you want to sell something that generates revenues for us because that's the money you use to pay pensioners? So, what would go into your head to want to sell a major asset like Labadi?...If the problem is management, what stops us from getting a good management...?", he questioned.

To Atik, the problem with SSNIT is partly largely because the Heads are politically appointed, so they fall for the political pressure instead of protecting the interest of the pensioners whose money they are using to run the institution on their (pensioners) behalf.

"The leadership or the Heads of SSNIT should not be political appointees," he told host Kwami Sefa Kayi.

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