58 Children Below 18 Years Were Killed in Road Crashes This Year - LADA Institute

Data available with the National Road Safety Authority indicates that from January to March 2024, 58 persons in road crashes killed were below the age of 18 years, representing 10% of road traffic fatalities.

This statistics was revealed by Dr. Rowland Atta Kesson, Team Lead of LADA Institute, at a workshop aimed at drawing the attention of Members of Parliament to the need to strengthen the laws on the use of child restraints systems and seatbelts for children in Ghana.

Speaking to Peace FM News, The Director-General for the National Road Safety Authority, David Osafo Adonteng said that it is a good thing we amend the road safety regulation section 14(1) of Act 683 which criminalizes the seating of children of 5 years and below in front seat of vehicles and imposes a fine of up to 100 penalty units.

He said road safety regulation 119(5) of L.I 2180 which introduces some exceptions making it possible to seat a child of 5 years in front of a vehicle where the driver provides a restraining device to carry the child should also be amended as in the LADA institute findings.

He said these regulations are a bit heavy so it should be in conjunction with each other to align with the standards for safety Belts and Restraint systems for all vehicles.

He commended the LADA institute for the work they are doing which should be looked at by the road safety authority.

Gifty Twum Ampofo MP for Abuakwa North Constituency, who is also a member of the Gender and Social Welfare Committee of Parliament also asserted that there should be the enforcement of the use of child restraining devices in vehicles to support children in the vehicle.