Ambulance Trial: Traditional rulers from Central Region show up in court to support Ato Forson

Traditional rulers from the Central Region made a significant appearance in court to show their support for Dr. Cassiel Ato Forson, the Minority Leader in Parliament, who is facing charges in the ongoing ambulance procurement case.

The show of solidarity from the chiefs underscores the importance of the case to the people of the Central Region and highlights the influential role that traditional leaders continue to play in Ghanaian society.

The presence of these traditional rulers in court was seen as a powerful gesture, demonstrating their belief in Dr. Ato Forson's innocence and their support for his leadership. T

he chiefs, dressed in their regal attire, were a prominent and dignified presence in the courtroom, drawing considerable attention from the public and the media.

Dr. Ato Forson, who is being prosecuted for alleged financial malfeasance related to the procurement of ambulances during his tenure as Deputy Finance Minister, has maintained his innocence throughout the proceedings.

He has argued that the charges against him are politically motivated and has vowed to vigorously defend himself in court. The support from the traditional rulers is likely to bolster his morale and public image.

The case has generated significant public interest, with many Ghanaians closely following the developments.

The involvement of the traditional rulers from the Central Region adds a new dimension to the case, highlighting the broader social and cultural implications.

It also reflects the deep ties between political leaders and traditional authorities in Ghana, where chiefs often play a critical role in local governance and community affairs.