A Mistake By The Mistake

The born dog says his one anointing act was a mistake. After borning them all, all dog borns, he anointed one a successor. Surely, he himself is a mistake if he is sure he made a mistake by borning that successor, as one rotten apple which has contagiously rotten all other apples in that one basket known as congress. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa, he has effectively been saying since January 7, 2009. But it seems more like he is the mistake and not that he made a mistake. By Pastor Dag�s reasoning, many among you my compatriots� reasoning and mine too, he is a mistake. At a young couple�s wedding, officiating Pastor Dag pleaded with God the Almighty, in a prayer, to spare the couple any child who would want to stage a coup. To the pastor, in the eyes of the Almighty, anyone who stages a coup is a mistake for the motherland because every coup is a mistake for society. By that reasoning, if a coup man says he�s made a mistake, he�s actually saying that he himself is the mistake; because just as a coup is a mistake, so is the coup maker. All things coup are a mistake. All who plot with success, say they are the brain behind, aid, support, collaborate, assist, allow themselves to be coopted and secretly admire a December 31 coup d��tat are together a mistake. A coup d��tat is falsehood. The motherland has seen them all. Liberation, redemption, revolutionary, provisional defence; the value has been all the same, a mistake. Each and every one of them was a mistake. Whether at the barrel of the gun on a December 31, or through stolen ballots on a December 28, the coup d��tat is always a mistake. It results in do-little and don�t know-how administrations operated by don�t know-how-to-do-anything congress people; reactionaries who call themselves revolutionaries. This particular born dog whose dog borning was by a coup, when forced to abandon his coup ways together with the dogs he borned, converted themselves into a congress of military in civilian wear, seizing compatriots of the motherland from buses, and radio stations and radio stations and radio stations for maligning and cursing them or for causing fear and panic. In congress language of you know what I am saying and my brothers and sisters, my compatriots I mean, it is that congress, which was born out of a coup by he who born dog, the coup maker, and is thus composed of dog borns, which is a mistake for the motherland. So my compatriots, let us all tell he who thinks he made a mistake in trying to perpetrate the coup mentality he has foisted on the motherland, that he did not just make a mistake. He, actually, is the mistake; and he is the mistake because he staged a coup which is a mistake. With his coup, he created a mistake for the motherland. Without the coup, he could not have founded a congress of we know best because we know nothing elements. And he would not have anointed mistakenly when he does not possess what it is that can make him anoint. Because he had not what it takes to anoint because he was a mistake, he anointed by mistake anointing that anointed he now tells us is a mistake. As an anointed mistake, the few among many mistakes bound together as congress and who are chosen by that the anointed, still remain mistakes misdirecting him by reading to him, for him and at him what are mistaken STX housing and oil and gas agreements that are all mistakes. A mistaken act of mistakenly anointing a mistake of a dog born in charge of the affairs of the motherland has for the last twenty-nine months been, and still is mistakenly propelling the motherland into mistakes of humongous proportions. Eventually, my compatriots, eventually, it could lead us into a land of mistakes where mistakes may be impossible to correct like the capital city of mistakes they have made Accra into. Their mistaken idea of a city, in the revolutionary days which were actually reactionary days, had been support for kioskisation and containerization by verandah boys and girls who were mistakenly encouraged to street-sell because it was fetching good money. Now the congresspeople, a mistake in themselves because they were born out of a coup by mistake, think they made a city trashing mistake which they must correct through the mistaking means of brutalization including indulging in severing ears Peter-style. When you confess your mistakes, you atone for them and correct them. But, my compatriots, when you are the born dog mistake, you cannot correct a mistake in and by the dog born because you and those you coup born are together the mistake.