How To Deal With Setbacks

Here�s how a lot of women envision getting in shape. Find the best fat loss plan with the the best exercises that target your stomach, arms, thighs and other problem areas. Do those exercises five times a week without fail. Also find the best diet. Follow the diet perfectly. Step on the scale every day and weight at least one pound less. Can you say �Unrealistic?� Can you say �Setting yourself up for failure?� In all my years doing this, I have yet to witness this kind of a scenario. That�s just not how it goes. All the women I�ve ever coached, and all the men and women I know that changed their bodies, had setbacks along the way. When you want things to be perfect, you never stand a chance. If your expectation is perfection, than anything else is seen as failure. It kills motivation. This is �all or nothing� thinking and it�s destructive. You miss a workout and you decide that it�s all over now just because your track record is no longer perfect. You miss a meal or cheat on your diet and it�s the end of the world. As if ONE mistake means you don�t have a chance anymore. Realize that setbacks are a part of the process. And when you inevitably experience one, just continue without trying to be perfect. Give yourself a chance to learn from your setbacks and mistakes. You might have a perfect week here and there and that�s great. But 100% perfection 100% of the time is just too elusive to pursue. Aim for progress, nor perfection. Don�t set such high standards for yourself that it�s impossible to meet them.