Aloe Vera�s Magic On The Skin

It is very easy to visit the cosmetic store to pay several cedis for chemical based products whiles the world�s most natural skincare ingredient actually grow behind your backyard! One of nature�s miraculous skin care products that perform wonders on the skin is the Aloe Vera Plant! The Aloe Vera plant has long been used for healing infections especially of the skin. If you�re plagued by severe acne, dry skin or any type of skin conditions and searching for natural relief, then the secret is in the transparent, juicy substance contained in its long, thick skinned leaves, the Aloe Vera Gel. It is a popular remedy used in herbal medicine and grows in dry climates including Ghana. Various studies have confirmed Aloe Vera as having several properties that are effective in treating a variety of skin conditions, cosmetic ailments, hair and scalp problems, and many more. It is also said to be useful in treating wounds and burns as well as minor skin infections. Suitable for all skin types, aloe gel can be used by people with very sensitive skin. It can be used as a moisturizer by women who use mineral make-up regularly. Applying the gel on your skin and face prior to application of make-up can prevent your skin from drying. Aloe gel can also be used for male grooming as an aftershave gel. Its healing properties can treat small cuts caused by shaving. Aloe Vera gel has antimicrobial properties that kill bacteria and its anti-inflammatory properties help reduce skin inflammation. It allows the skin to heal quickly and naturally with minimal or no scarring. Aloe is moisturizing but doesn�t give skin a greasy feel, so it�s perfect for anyone with an oily skin. The vitamin C and E present in aloe gel improve the skin�s natural firmness and keep it hydrated. It also acts as a protective layer on the skin and helps replenish its moisture by reducing the pain and swelling you experience during sunburn. Want to experience the wonders of Aloe Vera? Grow the plant in your backyard. Every morning and night, slice off a leaf; wash it clean under running water and scoop the gel out of the leaf. Dip a cotton ball into the gel and gently cleanse your face and body. Allow it to dry and apply make-up. Do this twice daily (morning and night) and you will experience the wonders of the miraculous plant on your Skin